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Workshop, field

Can a house be printed in parts and then assembled?

Yes. There are 2 approaches to printing on construction printers: on-site and off-site production:
  • On-site production: buildings are printed directly on the foundation.
  • Off-site production: buildings are printed in parts and then assembled on the construction site. The first residential house in Europe, located in Yaroslavl, Russia, was printed in parts and assembled on site.

Can I get an S-300 printer with a larger working area?

Yes, two modifications have been created based on the S-300 construction printer:
  • The S300-1 printer, which allows printing buildings up to 120 m² and up to 2 floors.
  • The S300-2 printer, which allows printing buildings in area up to 180 m² up to 7 meters in height, which gives the opportunity to print a 2-storey house with 360 m²

How to transport and install the printer?

It can be done manually, but it should be noted that the gantry beam of some workshop printers weighs more than 200 kg. Therefore, lifting and manual installation will require the participation of several people. As for the S-300 printer, no additional equipment is required for its installation on the foundation, the equipment is easily assembled, and the weight of the largest element does not exceed 76 kg, so it can be manually moved to another site.

How ready is the device for work?

The "AMT" line of construction printers is a serial industrial equipment. All necessary certificates for the entire series of printers are available. The equipment is delivered in a well-functioning state and has been tested for operability. All you need to do is to install the printer, connect it to the electricity, load the printing mix, and start working.

How many people will be involved in the construction of the project?

Usually, two people are involved: one operates the printer, and the other is responsible for the mixes and the delivery of the concrete. The number of additional personnel needed depends on the project and must be calculated with the foreman, as projects can vary from printing a 2 m² dog house to a two-story house with an area of 360 m².
What are the temperature conditions for construction?
According to the specifications, all construction printers operate at temperatures ranging from +5°C to +40°C. However, printing has been performed at negative temperatures down to -7°C using antifreeze additives. The consumption of such additives complies with the technical regulations for additives.

What are the temperature conditions for construction 3D printing?

According to the specifications, all construction printers operate at temperatures ranging from +5°C to +40°C.